Prospects Internet Cafe

Prospects internet cafe in my home area was not too good, because the conditions surrounding my home is not big town.  Location internet cafe that will support a lot of visitors who will come and play in the cafe. There are several internet cafes that have been standing around my neighborhood. But is less developed in the last few months, because factors in this area not support. WHY?  I will discuss here.

1. Environmental factors nearby area.

Environmental conditions in the area around the house is not convenient residential location.Far from the main road and far from the big city. If you are expecting visitors from the only cafe in a residential neighborhood is not enough.

               2. Factor 'X'

I mention the  factor 'X' is a modem. Some of the houses around me already have a modem + laptop / PC. Or there is also a mobile phone that can be a modem. 

There are some causes the quiet visitors in  internet cafe

                Prospect of real profitable internet cafe but it was not around my neighborhood. If the cafe is located in a strategic location
and into the big city would support the visitors to come. And do not forget to improve the cafe facilities such as: air conditioning in the room, high end computer specifications, and fast internet connection.

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